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Choose my eyepieces...


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Hello all. I'm looking for a couple of eyepieces for my scopes. For those who haven't already read my blatherings, I have a Skywatcher 130p and a Vixen ed81s.

They're only for observation not photography. And as I live in town, they need to take filters so I can sling moon\sodium filters on.

The Skywatcher came with the bog standard 10mm and 25mm and (what I assume is) a fairly poor barlow.

I'm more interested in planetary than DSO mainly out of necessity, my opportunities for getting out to dark sites are limited. But it'd be good to cover both angles.

I kind of figured a 6mm and a 14-17mm would cover most eventualities but perhaps I'm wrong.

Budget around £50 - £80 each (unless you guys think a box set like the Revelation one is a better idea.)

I'm off to Astrofest on Saturday, so there may be deals to be had.

And once again, thanks in advance guys. you're all lifesavers.

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