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Polar Alignment?

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Since the manual for my scope is extremely poor, I'm at a loss on how I'm supposed to polar align it.

The declination circle doesn't seem to be supposed to be moved, but zero degrees is parallel to the RA axis. Unless I'm mistaken (which I could, due to my confusion at the moment), when I align to Polaris, ~89 degrees should be there. It's entirely possible the the declination circle DOES move, and I'm not putting enough force on it to get it to do so (it took way more force to get the RA circle to move for the first time, but now it goes easier) .

Currently setting to Dec zero puts the OTA parallel to the RA Axis. If both turn it's not much of a problem, because then once I have the mount aligned properly, I just move to a bright star and turn the circles to that stars coordinates, and then if I turn back to Polaris, the circles would read the correct values, right?

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EQ1/2 ??

You have to polar align that one using the scope..

Set the RA dial to 0

Set the DEC dial to 90 degrees (If you are pointing at polaris the DEC dial should read this.)

Point the scope (On the mount) At polaris...(So that polaris is in the center of a low power eyepiece.)

Et voila..

Polar aligned..

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