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Hello dear astronomers.

On my laptop i have ASCOM platform 6 installed with all drivers , i am using CDC skychart for controling the telescope and maximDL 5 for capturing with CCD and PHD for guiding. The problem i have is that telescope/mount disconnect somehow from my CDC program. It is almost like i would pull out usb cable and back in. I need to close CDC and EQMOD (ctrl+alt+del...taskmanager and than eqmod - end task) cose if i just close it normaly it wont conect it back, i need to close it with task manager(alt+ctrl+del). SO i conect it all back like on start and is working. So, after while (mayby 1h) it crashed again, this is happening me now and i have no idea what to do anymore. I checked all my kordinates and altitude that is ok on SynScan and CDC+EQMOD, i run diagnostic on EQMOD...

Please, soone help me with advice. Btw, i have WIN 7 (615 Compaq laptop if anyone need info)

Admin, if is wrong post for section you can move me to right one, i am new to forum.

Thank you


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  • 3 months later...

this is an old post but I have discovered if you have EQmod running and then plug in the USB lead into my QHY5 and start PHD, EQmod hangs or crashes. With a 'RPC server not running' message. If You start EQmod after PHD & lead plug in, all is well

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