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im looking for a telescope best for looking at planets and things like craters on the moon im not interested in astrophotography my budget is 300 to 400 pounds to start off with ive spent a month or two using my binos and now i want to go to the next step any recommendations would be great ive been looking at a few nexstars and skywatchers go-to systems look good

best regards


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For the moon most scopes will be good. It therefore depends on what you prefer and whether or not you want a Dobsonian mount, an equitorial or a goto = alt/az.

An EQ mount has the advantage that with motors itr will track, so keeping whatever in you view longer.

Got's will find things for you when set up correct.

All have advantages and disadvantages and are a trade off.

I am guessing that you could be in Leeds? (STD code = 0113)

If so then look up green-witch and locate their shop to the south of Leeds and pay them a visit.

Think it is another Lee that operates the shop and he is knowledgeable. He should give you good advice and you can look at the range of scopes available.

For the budget the ED refractors are probably out of budget. Achro's will show some CA on the moon.

Consider what you may want to do in the future as this will influence what you consider now. If you intend to start on the fainter DSO's in a years time then a largish dob is the more obvious.

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im liking the skyliner 200p dob i will only be in my back yard as im lucky i live in the sticks and dont have a light pollution near by so its ideal really my main aim is to see things like saturn and jupiter and maybe the polar caps on mars if the time is right and maybe a few other things like andromeda

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