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Classic Crayford or SCS Astro Hellical Focuser?


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Dear all - HELP!

I have been seriously considering buying a new focuser for my Skywatcher Explorer 200 Newt. I have narrowed them down to either a Moonlite "Classic Crayford" (£119.00 from FLO) (and there might be the 10% discount), or the SCS Astro 7315 Helical Focuser and 7316 adapter (combined price of £83.00 + £5.00 P+P).

I want to attach my Camera bracket (see picture below) to whichever focuser I buy. I have two concerns.


1. Will the bracket fit without impeding the action of either focuser?

2. Will either focuser take the weight of both camera (Canon A570IS digital) and bracket without slipping?

Has anyone got or used either the Crayford or Helical focusers?

I would appreciate any advice on this.

Thanks in advance!

Phil Edwards (philsail1).

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Hi Phil

I have a Moonlite CR2 (dual speed) for my Sct and i cannot fault it.You can adjust the focusser tension so it doesnt slip when weight is applied ie cameras etc.

When near the zenith the moonlight is pointing to the ground and still no slip.

I cant see why the bracket wouldnt fit but best ask Steve to make sure.Im sorry that i have no experiance with a helical.

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Thanks "Kai Herb,"

I appreciate you taking the time to give your experience with the Crayford. It's always useful to hear from people who have first hand experience of using the actual equipment one is after. It is the mechanics of these two focusers that I'm interested in.

I do like the look of the Crayford, and I will certainly ask Steve at FLO for his advice - I think he's on leave until the 11th, after the arrival of his baby son.



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Dear Kai Herb,

You have the the "Dual Speed" Crayford (the expensive one). I'm looking at the "basic" Crayford which is single speed, and obviously a lot cheaper. I'm considering the Helical focuser partly because it just slips into the existing Skywatcher focuser, which would mean that I "coarse" focus using the existing Skywatcher focuser, then fine tune the focus with the Helical.

When I said I was interested in the "mechanics" of both focusers, I meant my concerns if my camera bracket would fit either focuser. Sorry for the confusion.

I have sent an e-mail to SCS asking them if my particular camera bracket can be used with their Helical focuser in place. I have not had a reply yet, but thinking about it, I should be able to use the camera bracket, as it clamps around the eyepiece being used, and not the helical focuser (which slips into the original Skywatcher focuser first - then any eyepiece fits into the helical). See picture below.


I will ask Steve from FLO (when he comes back on Monday 11th) if the fitting my camera bracket will impede the action of the Crayford in any way - bearing in mind the camera bracket clamps to the eyepiece tube after it (the eyepiece) has been inserted into the Crayford.

Hope I haven't confused you further!

Have you ever fitted a camera to your Crayford? If so, did it take the weight OK?



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If the camera clamp attaches to the eyepiece then i can see no good reason why it wouldnt work on either system.

I have had a Canon 350d and a Atik 16 on the end of the Moonlite with no slippage problems as you can adjust the tension of the focusser and lock it in place after getting focus.

I do have the Cr2 but to be honest 98% of the focus is on the "coarse" adjuster and then i spend the next 20 mins faffing around with the fine tuning :).If it wasnt my birthday when i ordered it i would have probably gone for the std one

Just a question though with the helical in place will you be able to achieve focus ?

Personally now if i changed scope then the first upgrade would be fitting a Moonlite no questions :)

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:) Kai Herb, you do inspire confidence! I have just read your reply, and if I could, I would drive straight down to FLO and buy the basic Crayford right now!!

Seriously though, your answer is very informative, and does convince me that the Crayford (basic) is the way to go with upgrading the standard focuser on my Skywatcher. Am I right in interpreting what you are saying as "you don't quite need the "extra" fine tuning (which would be available on the Helical) as on the "Mk2" Crayford you have?". I must admit, the fact that the helical did offer very fine tuning was a definite attraction for me.

However, with our experience of the Crayford, I will just have a quick word with Steve (FLO) next week, then purchase the basic Crayford for £119.00 (minus the 10% hopefully).

Thanks again for your answers Kai Herb.


Philsail1 (Phil Edwards).

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The difference the Moonlite made to my Observing/Imaging was marked as with a C8 Sct there is a certain amount of "flop" in the focussing knob and it was very frustrating achieving that perfect focus.

I now use the Sct knob to gain fair focus then go onto the moonlite to get the rest,so in fact i have 3 focussing knobs :)

The fine focus just gives that last 1% when the conditions are good that makes that tiny bit of difference.

I have posted some comparative images in the Planetery section of the Forum and the in the 2007 Saturn image i was using the Moonlite,On the laptop screen you could see when Cassini snapped into focus,Simple.

Before i would of been there for hours (maybe) trying to combat the Sct focusser.

I havent read a bad thing said about Moonlite anywhere and that says loads to me.But then i am biased arent i :)

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I would go for the moonlight for a couple of reasons..

It's a better made focuser

If it goes wrong (It probably won't) Then you have an excellent backup service from Moonlight and Flo..

The review of the Borg and the Orion (USA) Helical focuser's in S@N November 2006 were not good..The Moonlight won..

Also the Borg Helical ones are 1 1/4 inch...And I think you'll have tp buy the adapter to fit the scope as it's an odd thread setup. (Apologies if you already know that..)



I ordered a Scopetronix camera adapter from SCS astro 2 years ago...The still havn't contacted me to tell me they havn't got it.. :nono:

Personally I wouldn't use them...

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Kai Herb,

Very good image of Saturn. Looks almost 3D! Is the improvement between this years image and the previous one, due to fitting the Crayford?



Not all down to the Moonlite but it makes a difference having a decent focusser

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Thanks "Phattire" (Greg) for the info on the Sky at Night Review - I'll try and look that up just for curio. And thanks for the thread difference - SCS did tell me that I would need an adapter. It's good to know that there's reliable support from the suppliers of the "Moonlite" (I know I can count on Stave from FLO).

I will go for the basic "Moonlite" at £119 from FLO. You all seem to suggest that it is the best.

That's the real beauty of this forum - we can all rely on eachother for some genuine unbiased help and advice.

Thanks again - oh and to Kai Herb!


Philsail1 (Phil Edwards).

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