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Synscan goto question

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I went outside to try to have a quick setup with my synscan goto 130p. I know the batteries are low so i wanted to do a quick 2 star align.

Its been a while since I have not used it over xmas and i usually use it in the back garden and tonight i was going to use it out the front of the house so it was going to be different stars to usual. I was surprised and annoyed to find that none of the brightest stars that i could see clearly were in the list to choose from. No Aldebaran, no Betelgeuse, no Mirach. Sheat was in the list but out of my line of sight.

Should I expect those starts to be in the list? Can I update it?

Also.. what kind of filter could i use to make Jupiter a bit less bright and more contrasty? Im just using the stock eyepieces that came with it at the moment. one of these? http://www.firstlightoptics.com/light-pollution-reduction/baader-neodymium-filter.html

I was thinking of getting one of the baader hyperion zoom eyepieces. Anybody have any experience with them?

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