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Best Eyepieces for Skywatcher Explorer 130p goto??

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Hello there...

I've got the standard 10mm, 25mm and 2x Barlow that came with the scope, but I gather there are far better eyepieces available that will make a big difference to my viewing.

I've seen Jupiter - looks great - Orion nebula - equally amazing and a host of other things including the Pleides, Andromeda and even the Whirlpool (hazy, but mind boggling). (The goto works great and was a doddle to set up once I'd identified 2 stars, even for a newbie like me - the 'deep sky tour' is fantastic)

PLEASE can anyone suggest a few worthwhile eyepiece upgrades that will be better for my scope?

I'm not after mega-bucks items, but I'll happily pay £30-40+ per eyepiece.

Will this get me anything worth buying?

I can't see the point of buying something though if it really makes no genuine visible difference.

I'd like to get sharper or even slightly larger views of Jupiter and the DSO stuff, but the Pleides seemed 'too big' even with my 25mm.

Also, Is there any way of getting a 'wider' view, but still close up?

Sometimes its like looking through a black polo mint.

Advice please???

Preferably makes/names/sizes, even catalogue numbers!!!

I really am new to all this and the multitude of names and numbers just baffles me.


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I think £30-£40 is more realistic if you want an improvement over the supplied eyepieces. You can get the Vixen NPL eyepieces for £30 each and the BST Explorers for £41 each. Both will improve your views although it's not like adding inches to the aperture of the scope of course - just nicer views.

For a wider view you need something like the 30mm Vixen NPL which costs a little more than the others. I'm assuming that you will stay with the 1.25" fitting. 2" eyepieces will show wider fields of view but would exceed your budget by about 100%.

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A 12mm BST explorer would be one to look at...which could be used with your barlow.

the GSO/Revellation get good reviews for their price & they do a 32mm which would give nice low-mag. wider view. Bare in mind..if you go too low-mag & too wide...you will see a feint smudge rather than clusters of stars.

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I am sure your scope can take 2" eyepieces, so you could have a look at the revelation wide angle ep's, a 32mm will give you a nice widefield and could possibly fit all the plaeides in the fov in your scope, some don't like these ep's but I love mine. Cost about £37 from Harrison telescopes our telescope house.

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