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Cracking weekend - six planets in 24 hours


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Had one of the best weekends observing since I started. I had a mad idea to see all the planets I can from my garden with my little Skywatcher 127 mak.

I had a nightmare setting up on Saturday night and missed Venus & Neptune but got Jupiter.

I set the alarm for 0445 (much to the delight of the wife) and saw Mars, Saturn and the Moon.

Disapointed that I missed the first two, I set up again on Sunday afternoon and got Venus and Neptune in the bag.

This hobby is soooo rewarding. I am always blown over by what can be seen in a relatively small scope.

The surprise of the session has to be Mars. I could see quite a lot of detail on the surface. Very impressed :)

I took some images with a SPC900 webcam. They have only had a quick bit of processing. Images here:

Garden Astronomy - a set on Flickr

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