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AP with a Skyliner 200P Dob

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Hi all - first of all I realise you can't do long exposures without a motorised/ tracking EQ mount and being a newb to this hobby I purposely didn't want to spend the kind of money I would have needed to do AP from the outset but I have been more and more impressed by the images I've seen on this forum and wondered is it possible to use either a web cam or even a CCD compact to take a very short video (15 secs perhaps?) and then stack images in software to produce even modest results with a 200P Dob?

Its not the end of the world if you can't and I don't expect to be producing the colourful pillars of creation images to frame on my wall but is even modest output not possible with my current set up?

cheers all

Steve (PS First outing tonight- two of the neighbours are dusting down their scopes aswel so a local starparty to kick things off):)

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