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Alignmaster help


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I was hoping to use ALIGNMASTER for drift alignment because i understand that it is very easy and quick. My problem is I have large trees in the garden which give me restricted gaps to view the night sky. When you are given the list of paired stars available to use in ALIGNMASTER for alignment i cannot get two to be seen at the same time. Is there any way of using two other stars that are not as far apart or have they got to be this far apart for succesful drift alignment.

The reason i wanted to use this software is that you dont have to drift align a star in the south and then drift align a star in the east (west). In Alignmaster you only need a view east or west and after very little work the software will calculate the adjustments needed on the mount.

If i cant find a way round the problem in ALIGNMASTER i will unfortunately have to try drift alignment using a star in the south and in the east(west). Can anyone recommend an easy to use drift alignment method



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  • 1 month later...

You can add more stars to the Sterne.txt file in the product. I'm not sure how it decides on pairs or how it decides on 'good', 'better', 'best', so you might need to add a good many entries. Also if you add more stars make sure the RA and Dec are values for 2009 epoch.

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  • 1 year later...

Information appreciated, can you tell me where to find the sterne.txt file there was none associated with the AlignMaste software as far as I could see.

Thank you for any advice you may be able to provide, Peter

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