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Observing Tonight

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Hi All,

I managed 90 mins tonight, Jupiter too low in the west to be any good in terms of seeing: low power only. Star clusters like M36 etc barely visible because of the moon: though I had my first clear view of the full moon through a telescope for years, and some of the detail is fab (previous attempts to see the moon since I got my scope have been marred by closeness to heating of houses etc., that annoying shimmer). But the one thing I did observe for the first time was sigma orionis: I could only resolve at x120 max one star near the centre one, but the stars around it, including a seeming double toward one side of the eyepiece. Taken together, the effect of all of these is quite a pretty sight. Though all in all, other than getting that first look at the moon in a proper sense, our satellite wiped out a lot of other stuff tonight. First clear night here for a while.


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Hi Steve777, glad you got out to view. I think that the AB double in sigma Ori are only 0.25 seconds of arc from each other so that, especially as there are almost equal in magnitude, would make them difficult to separate.

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