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Which SE should i go for?

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Hello all,

I have been flip flopping between getting the SE8 or SE6 for a while now and I really cant decide. I am upgrading from the scope in my sig. I was all set on the SE8 but looking on FLO it is £433 more than the 6, would it really be that much better? Or would i be better getting the 6 and spending a few hundred quid on some accessories (filters/eyepieces?)

I know both are great scopes and I am sure I would be happy with either, just looking for someone to help me in one direction or the other :)

Many thanks.

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I have been using the 6SE for just over 2 years and have just ordered an 8SE as an upgrade. It is only 3lb heavier and so hopefully still easily manageable. The improvement from a 130 to 150 I suspect will be minimal (about 40-50% increase in light grasp) whereas the increase in light grasp to the 8SE will be closer to 150%.

It is, of course, easy for me to spend your money, but I would say it would be worth the extra.


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