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Help For A Raw Begginner

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I am a complete beginner after having bought a Skywatcher 200p with an Eq 5 mount.

I live in the Italian Alps where we have some excellent views of the stars, hence my fascination in them.

I am trying to find as much information on the internet as possible on setting up my new telescope and how to fit the lenses etc etc.

I managed to point my scope on Jupiter yesterday with a 10x lens but the image was not very focused.

Please help me in finding some links on the internet for a complete beginner like me.

I live in a remote area and no one can help me here.

Happy stargazing,



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Hi Simon,

Plenty of bits on youtube in setting up your mount. I think that your 10x is probably a 10mm eyepiece, try using something like a 25mm first to make sure you can get a fine focus. If it is breezy then the mount can move and the image looks out of focus.

If after trying your eyepieces no focus is sharp then it sounds as though the telescope needs collimating or re-aligning. Again plenty of information if you google collimation...


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Thanks for the reply Damnut.,

I think that you are right in the fact that my telescope was not setup correctly.I still have not balanced it correctly, jupiter kept on crawling slowly up to the left in the sight.

I will do an extensive search when I get the time to find articles on you tube. I have a 2x barlow lens, 10mm and 25mm wide angle with tube extendersand a moon filter. The problem i the instructions don't show the eyepiece tube extensions ad when and where to put them and how the moon filter is placd on the lens.

I have a standard EQ 5 tripod, Is it possible to buy a kit that will allow me to find and keep track of targets, would such a kit allow me to take photos too?

I am sorry for being so ignorent but I do want to learn.

HAppy New year,


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I have just checked the link and balanced my Skywatcher 200p.

I have seen online that you can buy a goto kit for the basic EQ5 tripod, will this enable tracking too for photography?



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