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QHY8 Pro V Atik 450


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Hi All,

I'm looking into a one shot colour camera for a Hyperstar. I think I've narrowed it down to either the QHY8 Pro or the Atik 450.

So a few questions:

Are there any there other camera's that you would look at?

Are these camera's pretty closely matched (QHY website rubbish) or is one better than the other? (I know that Atik is very reliable but anything else).

Many thanks

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I would think the ATIK for long focal lengths and QHY8 for wide field stuff or BIG targets... Dot forget the QHY8 has that wonderful BIG APS-C Sony sensor..

The (ATIK) Artemis capture software is simply wonderful.. its also serviceable in the UK and ATIK's warranty is full 2 years owner transferable.

Tough call...

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