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What beginners can find and see: Dec 26 - Jan 1

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Last week may have been the ideal time for seasoned amateurs to see all 7 planets in the sky, thanks to Mercury being at greatest elongation on the 23rd. But the innermost planet is still rather high up early in the week, and later on the Moon stops by to points the way to finding both Uranus and Neptune, which can be the harder two for beginners to locate. I'll walk you through finding them, plus point the way to the others - check it out here:

Thanks for watching - hope you all have a safe and wonderful New Year. :D

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Don't forget - tonight is a great night to try and spot Neptune, as the Moon cruises past it this evening, making for a nice pointer. If cloudy, you can still try and spot the outermost planet later by locating Deneb Algedi which is a 2.8 magnitude star that ought to be visible from even light polluted locations.

The video in the first post will show you how the sky should look for you, and there are finder charts for both this planet and for Uranus on my website. Eyes On The Sky

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