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Good Weather site for Thailand

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Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and forums in general so I apologize if their is thread out there dedicated to this topic but I could not find it.

I am currently living in Northeast Thailand (Surin) and I'm trying to get an astronomy club started here. I am having a friend bring a Celestron FirstScope from the states to try to kick start people's interests. The hope is that I can eventually convince the school to purchase a 6" Dob. But I am not sure what weather conditions are like here in May, June, July. It is the start of the rainy season which means showers during the day, but I don't recall if it is overcast all night long or not. Does anyone have a good website that can give me historical sky conditions for Surin Thailand? I don't want to convince the school to spend a bunch of money on a new scope (they currently have none and no one remembers having one) if they won't be able to use it.

PS. Weather conditions now are perfect, went out last night and reacquainted myself with a few old friends: Pleiades, Andromeda, ect.

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Between april and july there will be ultra-hot, but as far as sky clarity goes i cant remember as I only saw clear sky there when at the coast, the big cities are a bit of a wash-out (as they usually are in SE asia) so its probably best to ask a local. Not that weather discussion is a big thing in Thailand since its more of a British quirk :D I think this is down to the lack of variety in the weather there, youve got hot, hotter, ultra-hot and wet & hot.... not much choice really!

10/10 for bravery, putting up with those mozzies in the dark!

But your reward will be seeing Orion literally overhead, and maybe a few of the southern hemisphere goodies for you to look at.

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