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Jupiter cloud bands?


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Hi all,

When I viewed Jupiter recently with my 76mm reflector I saw 2 faint brown bands along the equator and the whole southern pole area of the planet (which in the scope is up) covered in somewhat darker brown colour. There may be a similar but much smaller patch around the north pole but so faint and small that I can't be sure.

That has been a consistent view over the nights and at different magnifications.

So I'd like to ask if what I saw (i.e the patches at the poles) is something real or just something produced by my cheap scope?

Thanks and clear skies to all.

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That's exactly what I used to see with my Tasco 60mm, it's not bad for a small scope like ours eh?

They are the equatorial belts. From memory I don't think that I saw much more than that.

I haven't seen Jupiter yet in my 9.25 so I'm not sure how much better it will look in that.

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Sounds like you saw the "main" cloud features, all right. There are 13 named belts, bands and zones visible on Jupiter. Most small scopes can only see the 2 main equatorial belts and maybe the polar zones. It takes aperture and good seeing to see the rest, plus details in the belts and bands at high mags.

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Thank you all for the advice.

From your words it seems that my scope has done its job. Not bad for a £25 secondhand scope (Oops :police:)

Maroon bells, mine is also a Tasco, coincidentally. It has done a good firscope job.

It's funny that when I bought this scope, I told my self that seeing a wee bit of everything, and 'knowing that I saw it', is enough. And then after I got it for a short while I want the biggest scope in the world.

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I saw some good views of Jupiter and Saturn through mine but never really saw any stars, not sure why.

Don't go too crazy on a big scope though. I'm sort of thinking that something smaller may have been more practical for me. I've got a Celestron 9.25 and it's a big job getting it out into the garden. You never realise until you actually use the things.

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