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Help choosing a new scope

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Hi folks,

I will have around £800 to play with and would like your opinions on the 3 telescopes I have in mind.

I would like to branch into astrophotography as well so hopefully the 3 I have chosen will be adequate for a beginner.

My interests for photography will be mainly lunar and planetary.

1. Skywatcher Explorer 200P EQ5 GOTO

2. Skywatcher Skyliner 200P FlexTube SynScan

3.Skywatcher Skyliner 250P Flextube Auto

I know the 250P is not GOTO but I could sacrifice that for the larger diameter.

Any help greatly appreciated.


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Hi Paul,

Thats a damn fine budget, all those scopes are great and you would get many years of viewing pleasure from them.

My concern would be - have you actually had your mits on these bad boys?? If you have then you can choose any of the above but the 250 would be my choice. If you have not seen them in the flesh and oggled at the size, and thought about where you will store them or how you will move them in and out, then I would suggest a trip to the astro store or a vist to your local astro group.

Also remember to keep back some funds for a couple of decent eyepieces as the ones supplied are in scope packages are usually not that good.

Its the scope you use the most that is the best not nesc the biggest one you have.!

Good luck with your choice

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Hi Paul and welcome to the forum.

Damian is right you have to see one of these in the flesh before you buy. If you already know what they look and feel like then if I were you I'd go for the 10" and if you can manage without GOTO can you also manage without tracking? If so the http://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-250px-dobsonian.html solid tube Dobsonian is probably the best buy. It weighs less than the truss tube version, you don't require a shroud if there is stray light at your vewing location and it requires less frequent collimation. With a budget of £800 this would leave you a few quid for some handy extras such as a good star chart, a Telrad finder and maybe an eyepiece or two upgrade.

I have a 10" Dob and it is an excellent scope, IMO just the right balance between aperture and usability. It only moves about 10m from my shed to my garden and I can carry it in one piece, just.

Edit : Have just noticed you want to take pictures ignore everything I said.

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Hi, just so that you know, with Dobsonian mounted 'scopes like the Skyliners, you will ONLY be able to photograph the Moon and Planets.

These 'scopes are excellent for visual astronomy, however.

If you want to photograph any deep sky objects you need a 'scope mounted on a very sturdy EQ mount.

Of the three you list, I would go for option 3. You can upgrade it to Goto/Synscan by buying a handset which will save you a few £££. See this topic:*http://stargazerslounge.com/discussions-mounts/128557-skyliner-250-flextube-auto-goto-how.html

Hope this helps.

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