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Hey there...American Astronomer in Lancs!

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Last year, I bought a Russian TAL 2 (older model 6") reflector. Got a few sub-par eyepieces, and a 3x barlow. I've gotten great views of saturn, Jupiter, and a few (VERY FUZZY) nebula from my back car park. I was wondering if it would be better to upgrade my current scope (New eyepieces, crayford dual sp focuser) and start attaching the ol' DSLR for imaging, or should I go for something bigger as I have aspirations of deeper sky objects? I dunno, I just feel limited by the mount I'm working with (Massive EQ, unadjustable feet) and lack of general aperture. Also, How's the astronomy centre @ Todmorden?? Is it worth the 15 quid a year, I mean, do you really get much more time there as opposed to the usual saturday nights? Sorry for all the Q's, I'm just ravenous when it comes to my hobby.

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Hi jetskilz

Welcome to the forum. I am another Lancashire astronomer (Preston area).

In my view, The todmorden centre is worth it as you will get to look through lots of alternative kit and chat to people who have "been there done that" before you make any decisions. Alternatively go along to star parties and do the same.



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TAL 2, a very well regarded telescope :)

at f8, it should be pretty forgiving on EPs.

you say the views are a tad fuzzy? have you checked your collimation? (mirror alignment)

EDIT - at f8, your TAL isnt best suited to DSOs but its a cracking reflector for moon and planets :)

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Thanks for the replies! Don't get it twisted...I do love my TAL2 and for 30 quid, it was WELL WORTH IT! :) I would like to keep it as a planetary scope, I think with the right coma corrector, I'd get some great shots of the gas giants with it. Any advice for a TAL upgrade on focuser?

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..... Any advice for a TAL upgrade on focuser?

Buy a SW 2xxPDS on EQ5/6 mount :-)

I still have my Tal1 and I used to have a Tal2, but it fell over (my fault) and got broked. I still have, and use, the Tal1 though. I think you will agree that your Tal smells lovely if you sniff down the tube :-)

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Buy a SW 2xxPDS on EQ5/6 mount :-)

I still have my Tal1 and I used to have a Tal2, but it fell over (my fault) and got broked. I still have, and use, the Tal1 though. I think you will agree that your Tal smells lovely if you sniff down the tube :-)

I've already been eyeballing the EQ5 GOTO. I will admit...I do sniff the tube every time I collimate/set up. Such an odd aroma...and I don't even have the wooden case!

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