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Just finished processing the last of the data from the 27th, these are the best 3 of the evening. I'm pretty chuffed all things considered (still got that pesky blue fringe though ;)) using a Dob and a platform can at times be a little frustrating but these images make it worthwhile ;)

Equipment used:

12" Skywatcher Skyliner Dob

Watchhouse Equatorial Platform

2.5x Revelation Barlow (3750mm fl)

Fusion Webcam

Processing Information:

1500 frames stacked and processed in Registax 5.1 (6 is behaving strangely for me at the moment:confused:)

Tidied up a little in ps





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Oh I really wanted one of those, if I'd had the money I think I would have gone for one. It has to be said the watchhouse is pretty basic but then it is the cheapest platform available and it does its job perfectly well, building your own would be fantastic though, you would certainly save a load of money :)

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I think you're right Mamsoth, that'll be my New Year's resolution - to build an EQ mount for my Dob (like the watchhouse). I know it would be a lot more cost effective than purchasing one, plus I imagine the process of building it would be enjoyable :)

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Nice shot Mamsouth,:)

One problem is that your image is under exposed, more so in the red and green channels. If you have Auto White Balance in your camera setting options then try turning it on, also try using a capture program that has a Histogram display, and adjust the gain and shutter speed to get the histo about 80% full.

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Cheers Clayton. I'm just looking at them now on a different monitor and have noticed the disgusting black bits around the disk where Ive tried to remove the blue halo from the image. I must say they look pretty S**t seeing them on this monitor. The scrappiness around the disk was much less obvious on my monitor


I agree they are way under exposed, last night I went out and adjusted white balance and adjusted brightness, gain etc

From now on I'm checking what my pictures look like on this monitor before posting them!!!

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