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Mwhahahahaha! Alas!


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I have found the nebula in orion! Even in my cheap little scope its amazing.... makes me want that 6" now.... any way i was unable to find andromeda but im still looking though ive ive followed the stars right to it and dont see it through my binoculars or tele... could it be to much light pollution?

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Could be! You should see a gray-green fan shape, with a small "comma" just to the right and above it. There are two other groups of stars , that pretty much look like single stars to the unaided eye, but should reveal themselves as little open clusters in a set of binoculars.

If you are looking over in the east as Orion is rising, you may be fighting a lot of haze in general. You will get a better view of it, as it rises higher in the South around Christmas time.

Where are you trying to view from ? If you are local to SOMEONE in this global community, you should get some advice as to where you can go to get darker skies.

Don't give up!

Jim S.

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Congratulations on M42. If you can see it, you should also be able to nab the Andromeda galaxy. Binoculars are the best way to track it down. Start at the top left of the square of Pegasus and track along the Andromeda constellation to the second bright star. Then do a 90 degree turn towards the zenith, pass one star and then you should be at the galaxy. With luck you will see what looks like a small elongated cloud.

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I managed to see Andromeda for the first time last night. It took me a while and conditions weren't great but after an hours worth of star hopping practice I managed to get there. It wasn't really visible through my finder scope though, I could only see it through the telescope. I had been outside for a couple of hours by that time and it was very damp and fairly early in the evening so there was quite a bit of light pollution.

I was really pleased though.

Orion nebula is on my list but Orion was still too low on the horizon for me to look for it by the time dew ended my session last night.

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