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second hand stuff

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thanx guys :) i'm feeling like a 7 year boy old boy with a new toy-car now :lol: went there yesterday and picked my new toy up. it has only 25mm EP though. the guy said he would search for the second one. i was so anxious to try it yesterday, but i had to go to work :/ and i got back only at 4:20am or so! but i still couldn't resist pulling it out and taking a look at the last "star" in S or SW. haven't had a chance yet to check what it was, but i'm sure i saw 3 satellites. :D it was too bright already and not enough of magnification to make something out more than that. but i'm still glad.:clouds2: planning to get a barlow and few lenses ASAP. and I guess i will say "no" for that Skywatcher102 offer i mentioned before :clouds2:

going back to work tonight as well, though i'd rather stay on the other side of a bar:) but still hope to have clear sky on Sunday. will definitely tell you how it'll go.

oh my god oh my god i'm happy :D :D :)

EDIT: and thank you SteelRat for giving an opportunity :D

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