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Wixey and Degree Circle Versus GOTO

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If you have a program like Sky Safari Plus on an Iphone. Then would a Wixey and A Degree Circle or a Silva Compass negate the need for a GOTO on A dob or Newt?

Which method is faster and which more accurate?

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The choice here is really wether you want to control the scope manually or electronically. If you go manual then the Wixey and AZ Setting Circle will give a very accurate pointing system. If you go electronic then the goto is also accurate and will additionally give you tracking - saves "nudge'ing" a dob to keep the object in the center of the eyepiece.

Imho - goto on a dob under 16" is very useful - but not as useful on 16" dobs or more where you won't have to nudge so frequently due to the large fov. I had a little competition with my 12" goto against my mates 16" manual dob (with Wixey and AZ setting circle) and he beat me to it most every time lol.

Incidentally the "Dob" part is the base (Dobsonian rocker box on a turntable) named after the guy who invented it. The scope on a dob is usually a newtonian :)

Hope that helps.

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