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Jupiter in AZ


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Got home late last night after addressing the Phoenix Astronomical Society and much to my suprise, Jupiter was up. (~12am local time) I expected it to come up much later from the talk on here, so I took out the 6" F/9.5 and had a peek. Sure enough, Jupiter, with 2 moons visible through high clouds. Still made out the two large bands, but no details. I'm sure the Moon and clouds messed with the seeing, but there he was nonetheless. Capped off a long day nicely, thenk you very much. :)

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I got a reasonable view of Jupiter a couple of hours ago including what I think was the shadow of one of the moons crossing in front of Jupiter. I've never seen that before! :)

Its late though so I'm going to crash now and dream of Arizona skies and I'll check whether I saw what I think I saw.

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