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EXT-70AT unable to auto align :-(

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Just joined and think this is a great site :-)

I've got an Meade ETX-70AT. Had it over a year for the occasional look in the sky but have never got the auto alignment to work properly.

I followed the instructions in the manual to the letter but still find it is way off. :D

Recently I purchased a red dot finder and strapped it on to help guide me to the alignment star but still find it off.

I have even used compass taking account of magnetic north to true north and I have even used spirit level on the tube to ensure level in the alignment. (I did find the declination circle was not pointing to 0 which may be one problem).

Is it the equipment or is there something else that I should be doing.

I have also noticed there is download available for updating the software but I don't want to pay for the cable unless I know it will help !!

Is there anybody got the same scope or anybody know what I can do to get it working please please give me some help :-D



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