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Double Treat in Cassiopeia

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Some of my more northerly friends (yes, you lot in Wales!) have noted that Sagittarius is far too low on the horizon for easy viewing. Soooo.... just for you - a new deep sky activity observing nebulae and clusters in Cassiopeia and Persius! :D

This one takes you to northerly skies in pursuit of the famous double cluster, and its nearby companion cluster M-103. Why in the world Charles Messier listed M-103 but not the bigger, brighter double cluster is beyond me!

For a bonus - try for a shot at the Little Dumbbell nebula. This one probably isn't a binocular object - but a 150mm dob or larger should capture it easily.

Don't forget to let the teacher know how you are doing! Lots of you download this stuff, but many of you seem reticent about giving feedback! I can't improve in a vacuum, folks - comments are very important to improving my craft as an educator! :)

Thanks for viewing!


Lab #15 - The Double Cluster.doc

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