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Io leaving Jupiters disk


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Took a few Avis last night. Really dissappointed the first one didn't come out as it showed Ios shadow first leaving the disk then Io itsself departing.

Just as Io was leaving the GRS appeared which was a bonus plus theres the large feature in the centre so not a bad night.

Very hazy last night with Jupiter fading in and out.

Still getting issues with sharpness with my set up. Think its the Camera but probably a bit of seeing, post production in PS, perhaps a lack of aperture (just seen jupiterholics animation with his 8"SCT - nice) but also not forgetting the numpty operator :).

Might try and stitch an animation together...



p.s. Technical details:

150 mm Skywatcher Mak

2 x Apo Barlow

Celestron Neximage CCD Camera


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