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Saturn (ooooh, it's pink!)


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Still trying to get to grips with setting the correct white balance for the camera, and still cursing having a lightweight and wobbly mount (I had to junk an avi due to a sneezing fit!) and the lack of tracking / goto - but I think I'm starting to get the idea - now to try and make it the right colour..... :D


Celestron Powerseeker 4.5" Reflector

3x Barlow


400/2000 frames stacked in Registax



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Great job, focus looks tight.

Re the colour I always put the toucam into auto mode for a few seconds when imaging saturn.

It brightens everything up and over exposes saturn to set the white point.

I then uncheck "auto" and uncheck "auto white balance" before bringing the gamma back down to 10% and gain to what is needed to get the brightness level meter to read between 120-140.

if you are still not happy with the colour you can recheck auto white balance and move the gain up and down until you get the colour right and then uncheck auto white balance again.

I also sometimes do a factory restore before all the above, i have found that can help .

Hope this helps.

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