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Messier Objects

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Im going out to the country tonight with my scope and was looking to buy a catalog of the messier objects, anyone know the name of a good one that tells you where they are as well? Also ill be out in the real country so ill be able to see thousands of stars but will i be able to see any messier objects through my 70 mm scope with 900 focal length?

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Hi there Star Tracer.

Although I have some decent mapping, the one I use for quick reference is Gem Stars by Collins. It's cheap (£5) and will fit easily into a pocket.

70mm aperture should be plenty enough to see quite a few Messiers, especially in a dark-ish sky.

90-ish % phase Moon will spoil your dark conditions but not enough to stop you observing a few hidden wonders.

M31 - in Andromeda is a naked eye object in decent sky and a scope with low power will easily pick it up.

M15 - a globular cluster in Pegasus is not too difficult to find.

There's a couple to start with any way.

Happy hunting!

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If you haven't downloaded it already, have you tired using a free planetarium bit of software called Stellarium, you can find out more here . Very useful in helping you to locate objects, to identify what you're looking at and you can advance the night sky to anticipate what will be in the sky and when.


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If you haven't downloaded it already, have you tired using a free planetarium bit of software called Stellarium, you can find out more here . Very useful in helping you to locate objects, to identify what you're looking at and you can advance the night sky to anticipate what will be in the sky and when.


That's the best advice so far that I have received, it comes in real handy.

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Also, if you have a smart phone, you could download an app. On my iPhone, I have a Messier app. Apart from the objects in the list, it gives information such as RA/DEC, Magnitude and Distance. as well as a checklist. There is also a photograph for each object along with a full description and other 'Fun Facts' and a nice biography of the man himself,..Charles Messier. All in all, a very nice little app indeed.

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