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Appears SN2011fe is in decline


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Been out of grown on business and finally got the chance to pull my scope out to check up on our friendly neighborhood SN and had a hard time of it than expected. Conditions were fair but the SN was very faint...I'd gauge it to be below mag 10.3 (one of the close by stars used to compare). Not too much time left to bag this one with smaller Scopes.

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I first thought it matched the mag 10.35 star nearby, but when I moved that star to the centre of the FOV it was clearly brighter than the supernova (probably some vignetting effect) I moved the scope back and forth to verify this. I also picked up the mag 11.45 star below it, which was distinctly fainter. This lead me to my estimate of 10.9. Given the low altitude, and some slight haze, a nearby mag 12 star was not detectable even in my 8" scope.

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