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Red LED-friendly starchart wanted

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I use my bicycle's rear light for illumination, which I presume is just the same sort of red as the astronomers torch.

And I've been using Stellarium on the nigth setting on my laptop for navigation. But even the night setting compromises night vision, so I suppose I need a paper chart.

Are there any specifically made for use in red light?

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Most star charts are fine. The Sky and Telescope Pocket Atlas is good.

The key thing about night vision lighting is that it needs to be dim red light. Emphasis on dim. Red is not enough because your rods pick up plenty of red light. If your bike light is worth it's salt then it's going to be bright.

What I'm using right now are those LED strap-on head lights. I find one that contains a red LED. If it takes 3 AAA batteries I modify it to handle just 2. Then I steal my girlfriend's red nail polish and paint a few coats over it. This dims it down enough for normal use and help deal with the white LEDs which most of these things also come with.

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Car accessory shops stock brake light repair tape. This is red tape on a roll that can be cut or torn to size and used to convert standard torches to red-light ones. A few strips over the business end of the torch is usually enough and you will have most of the roll spare in case any astro-curious friends want to turn up to a star party.

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Have you ever thought of using a suitably darkened red photographic gel if front of your laptop screen? Most camera shops can get hold of them though I believe buying directly on-line is the cheapest route. I'll see if I can find a link that has recommended before on the forum.


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