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Dob or Auto dob?(that is the question!)

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My Goto Dob is a cheat really cos I got the Auto version with the encoders and added a handset from an AZ Goto scope. So mine can "push to" as well as "goto" or slew via the arrow keys. I thought the purpose made goto flextubes could do this as well - I might be wrong though so feel free to correct me anyone :)

The Telrads reticle is projected up onto a 45 deg piece of perspex which act like a kinda mirror when you look through it. :p

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Actually the Telrad is illuminated via a right angled mirror inside lol :)

Oh yes - they should have a "Mirror inside!" sticker, like "Intel inside!" :p

And yes, the purpose-built Gotos do have encoders and do push-to - it was actually the Auto version that I thought didn't have encoders - but you say yours does, which clears that one up.

It does leave me wondering why they said - very officially - about the Autos, that regarding planned upgrades "Go-to will no longer be offered as an upgrade for these scopes".

In a way, that's not really true is it? - Since you've proved that purchasing the handset package does indeed serve as such an upgrade.

Is it any less of a "go-to" than the official one? - In terms of accuracy or functionality of any kind?

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"However, they don’t seem to do much. No magnification,"

That's the whole point, though! That's what makes them so useful. It's easier to direct your scope to a target without magnification. It doesn't have to be a Telrad, to be honest. Any red-dot type finder will do. Rigel Quickfinder, for instance. The Telrad is just nice because you can make the circles really dim. Also, it has quite large circles compared to other devices and that can aid star-hopping. It's been around for so long that plenty of charts have Telrad overlays.

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Whilst I mentioned Telrads I have to say I'm not a fan. I much prefer my simple red dot finder. I don't need Telrad star maps to help me, I just check out Stellarium/Turn Left at Orion, and then it's a case of 'point and shoot' :)

Someone said you can't buy the auto dob mount seperately? Earlier this year Skywatcher were supposed to be releasing goto dob mounts in the Autumn.

So far, no details :p

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Yes - they don't offer the AZ goto handset as an upgrade to the standard auto's. They withdrew it with the early models cos some of them had dodgey motors and encoders so they decided to wait for the full goto dobs to be marketed.

I had to buy an az goto mount and simply switched the handsets which work in both mounts - also the replacement handsets are about two hundred quid (same price as an az goto mount) so you may as well get a mount with it that you can sell off to defray the cost :)

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