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First imaging attempt (Jupiter)


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The sky was fairly clear last night, so I thought I'd have a go with my new SPC900NC webcam on an ETX90. The capture was roughly 110 s at 30 fps (including some dips behind cloud), using about 50% of the frames in RegiStax. After stacking and a little wavelet fiddling I imported the image into Photoshop for some final sharpening and to try and bring out the moons a bit more.

I'd appreciate any comments on how I could improve these sorts of images in the future. I'm aware that the focus is not quite right, and that I've oversharpened it a bit, but is there anything else I can do?




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Magnus, that's a very good start. The first thing, as you've already indicated, is nail focus, spend far longer than you might think making sure, it pays off on the end. As to the processing... you've already said you think you've oversharpened a bit, so not so hard. Also, if you're wanting to life the moons out, try using the dodge tool set to highlights, that should only lighten the highlights and not affect the background as you have here, lifting the moons up out of the darkness a bit.

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