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GPS For Mead LX90

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I recently bought myself an LX90 off EBAY at a very good price. Almost new. I always wanted one but the price put me off. I think the chap thought it was a bit of a handful to set up he wanted something smaller. Its the older type non gps. Any way i had it out last night and wow stunning views of saturn. Also i saw this item on ebay and would like your thoughts on it. Is it worth getting . http://www.botsky.com. thanks.

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If your observing location is mostly the same place ie the back garden, then no. the GPS units only provide time, date and location information. Time and date are easy enough to get very accurately, and google earth will give the coordinates of your observing site in degrees east & north down to 3 decimal places of an arc second.


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I bought exactly the same for my LX90. I had to get a GPS too, an etrex Legend. As yet I have not had the scope out, but I envisage going to several different locations in the future. Had I intended garden use only, I would not have bought it.

Meade tag things like GPS and Level North Technology to their scopes just to hike up the price. They should leave it up to the buyer to add them him/herself, if they want them. But I suppose it looks good in the sales literature.


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:sunny: Thanks for all your help its appreciated. I think i will get the gps as i have a etrex gps and i will be taking the scope out. Also i like gadgets. I forgot to say when i got this scope the chap give me a mead lp1 camera. I was taking some shots of Saturn last night But found it hard to focus, Any one have any tips for using one. THANKS.

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:sunny: Thanks for all your help its appreciated. I think i will get the gps as i have a etrex gps and i will be taking the scope out. Also i like gadgets. I forgot to say when i got this scope the chap give me a mead lp1 camera. I was taking some shots of Saturn last night But found it hard to focus, Any one have any tips for using one. THANKS.

The arrows usually are a good indicator of focus. Funnily enough, I got a LPI thrown in when I bought my Meade LX, I had a play with it, but never used it in anger so to speak. I bought a DSI recently, but I have not explored that yet either. I have collected all these toys together and have not played with any of them yet. My wife is starting to accuse me of being a hoarder. :D

If you join the Meade 4M club you may get some useful info on there.

I know there is a guy called Matt Taylor, who did a series of short videos on the DSI Camera. Perhaps the same instructions would apply to some extent to the LPI. Worth a try VFR.

Ron. :D

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