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Table of apertures and comparative light gathering amounts

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Quick and approximate table I knocked up to show the %increase (or decrease) as one changes aperture. Thought it might help fellow newbies when deciding on OTAs.

Read across to find OTA diameter (mm) that your moving from, then

Read down that column to the OTA you're considering moving to see %change.

80 127 130 150 200 250
80 100% 40% 38% 28% 16% 10%
127 252% 100% 95% 72% 40% 26%
130 264% 105% 100% 75% 42% 27%
150 352% 140% 133% 100% 56% 36%
200 625% 248% 237% 178% 100% 64%
250 977% 388% 370% 278% 156% 100%

So, going from 80mm to 150mm = 352% increase, whereas going from 150mm down to 127 provides only 72% of the light you had.

Note that it doesn't work exactly across different types of scopes, as their is no accounting for secondary obstructions, etc.



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