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I had an early pick up this morning so I was up at 03.45 . I Went outside to get in the car at 04.30 and saw some winter faves just hanging in what was a very clear early morning sky. Orion (M42) was quite low but could see it well in south east and I also saw The Seven Sisters (M45) both looking as young as when I last saw them in the winter. Looks like winter is upon us so here's hoping we get some clear nights after an awful summer.


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Know what you mean there- soon as Orion apears again I'm reminded winter's on the way. Got this early photo of Orion's M42 nebula last week. Must have been about 5:00 am as the sky was nearly blue before I processed the image.

I'm quite pleased as there's even a hint of the Horse Head nebula in the top left.


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