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Jupiter and Mars - 19th August 2011


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Woke up at 2:30UT to wonderfully clear skies, so I dragged myself out of bed to take a look at Jupiter and Mars.

Jupiter is very high in the sky now and looks really big in the scope - even at x200.

There were fleeting views of lots of detail but too brief to draw and the sky was full of moisture, so overall seeing was AIII.

Drawing details :-

Skywatcher 200mm F/6 Dobsonian at x200.

19/8/2011 - 0400UT - Seeing AIII.

Had a look at Mars too - it is VERY small but you could see the white polar cap - as a light area. You could tell Mars was showing a phase and there was a dark patch on the surface - not worth drawing at the moment though.


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Nice one David. That dark spot on the NEB looks familiar! I've sketched it twice now, and the timing of your sketch puts it in exactly the place I'd expect to see it. It's an interesting feature with quite a dark intensity to my eyes.

Well done on catching Mars too!

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That's because you haven't dragged yourself out of your comfy warm bed at 3am !!!

Shame on you :)

Very true ;)

I have an early start on Saturday though so I may just get up even earlier and get a couple of hours in observing if the forecast looks good :rolleyes:

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