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Jupiter - 2nd August 2011


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The king is back....

Here is a drawing I did of Jupiter from France on the 2nd August at 01:40UT. Seeing was very good - AII.

I used a Skywatcher 8" F/6 Dobsonian at x171. This scope is superb - quick to set up and cool down (fan assisted), collimation is spot on and the image is so sharp - fantastic value for money.

There was more subtle detail to be seen than this - but it's beyond my drawing ability !!!!

The South equatorial belt is back and now the GRS is easier to see. I saw lots of detail in the SEB - little white ovals were easy to see but there were fleeting glimpses of more detail - I just needed a bigger scope !!!!

I am looking forward to this visit - will get the 5" refractor on it soon ..... and then there's Mars - it's going to be a good 6 months or so .......


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That's a real beauty David. You've captured some superb detail. I know what its like sometimes when the seeing is good. So much to try and get down that it is difficult to capture it all as it marches across.

Only managed a couple of Jupiter obs so far this apparition, and not seen the GRS face yet. Intriguing ovals in the SEB.

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