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Atik EFW2 filter wheel control box missing


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I received an Atik EFW2 filther wheel this week, but it only comes with USB cable, and Windows software to control the filter wheel.

Of course I use Linux (Ubuntu) to control everything on my scope, and of course no lock with getting the software working with Wine. Besides I don't want to use up another USB port on my netbook, I want the manual control box, that was pictured with the device when I ordered it. As always, the picture when ordering looks better than when you get served.

My pleas for control box or instructions are as of yet unanswered and there are nice nights coming, so.. help anyone?

Does anyone have a control box for sale or other useful suggestions?

Best Regards,


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From: http://www.atik-cameras.com/external/atikEFW2_OAG.pdf

I quote:

Optionally, there will be a hand controller box with push button functionality

permitting the use of the wheel without a computer.

Judging from the pictures this is the same as from the Atik EFW. So if anyone has a spare (I hear the Atik EFW filter wheel was very prone to defects, so perhaps someone has received a new set from their dealer but kept the old control box?)

I tried building wine with USB support and installing de drivers and the Filterwheel.exe, which worked with moon (for .net 2) but no connection to the filter wheel could be made. Strange also under windows this does not seem to work.. Filterwheel.exe keeps saying NOT CONNECTED..

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