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Looking for a scope to compliment a 10" dob

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I have a 10" Lightbridge Dobsonian which I got as a focus on deep space, I'm getting interested in getting another telescope which would be to focus on the weaknesses of the dob. These are the things I'm thinking;

Firstly I'd like goto which I keep seeing. I like the challenge of finding things in the dobsonian but firstly where I live it is almost never clear at night, I simply don't get enough observing time. Secondly with the light pollution and some areas of the sky being a little sparse of landmarks, some things I really struggle to find or can't find at all, especially at zenith (not a dobs strong point) so I could do with the ability to go straight to targets as well.

While I don't want to go down the route of astrophotology too much, some ability to use a camera would be nice for lets say planets and some easier deep space (clusters, M42 etc). Having the ability to run some short exposures would be nice. Goto and tracking that these computerised scopes have would make this possible? Again I don't want anything special here, just an option thats there for playing about with.

I'm under the belief that fast light buckets are not well suited for planets? I've managed to get GRS out of Jupiter and a very slight hint of an ice cap on Mars but not much more. Again, I've had very little time to observe these (I've seen Jupiter 3 times in 2 years on the dob) and I know planets need a bit of patience, I would like a telescope which focuses more on fine detail rather than the light grabbing the dob has, while at the same time having some abilities at DSO. I'm under the belief that a higher f ratio than the f/5 I have is important for planets?

Anyway I've been looking around and have seen the Meade ETX 125, looks like it has the things I need and at a price which sounds good (I want to be looking at ~£500-£1000) but am not sure if 5" would be a little too weak to overcome the weaknesses of a 10" dob. Have also noticed the Meade LX-90. This is a bit pricier than I would like (~£1500) but saving more for it isn't something I will rule out if neccesary. Are these the sort of scopes I should ideally be looking at or am I missing something more important?

Any advice or suggestions or corrections to misconceptions I may have to help me down the right path would be very helpful. Btw I have no inherent bias to Meade, the scope I have and the 2 I mentioned just happen to all be Meade.

Thanks for any help.:)

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Hi There,

Thats a big dob! I have a 10"sct, if I see a quick break in the clouds then I have a short tube 120mm refractor and a 102mm mak.

You have seem to hava a reasonable budget so I would surmise that :-

1. If the seeing is good, the dob comes out!

2. Another scope needed to back the dob up & grab & go.

I would say that a lot of the cost of the smaller Meades are in the mount and goto, so unless a primary scope stay clear. You have enough budget to get a second hand 8"sct, still that is hardly grab & go, but is just smaller than the dob!.

It sounds as though a refractor is for you in either the short tube or normal length, you still have the issue of viewing near the zenith!

Have you joined East Midlands Stargazers (Group on SGL). We meet in Sawley and at a cricket club near Belper. You could have a look at others and then make your mind up. Else Rother Valley Optics is close enough to go and spend an hour in!!.

Good luck with your purchase.


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