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Jupiter - 24 July 2011


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Managed an all-nighter Sat night / Sun morning. My last object was Jupiter with my 16", and I got this sketch

16" x228 magnification

Neodymium filter

02.15 UT to 03.00 UT

Seeing IV - III

CM1: 121 degrees approx

CM2: 287 degrees approx


SEB and NEB very obvious and displayed lots of detail despite relatively poor seeing. Most notable feature in NEB was the dark bowl-like protrusion dipping down northwards just past the CM. Also, two darker areas / spots seen on the shoulders of the bowl-like feature, and a notch out of the NEB on its northern edge close by.

SEB was slightly broader and duskier than the NEB. Most notable feature about the SEB was the strong northern component, which ran as a complete dark line along the EZ boundary.

Protrusions came into the EZ from both the NEB and SEB. Near the preceeding limb they formed two faint white ovals in the EZ.

NTB had a dark spot on it close to the bowl-like feature of the NEB. THe NPR also appeared quite dark and well defined. Just as earlier in the month when I last viewed Jupiter, the STZ is absent with shading from the southern hemisphere merging directly onto the SEB. Seems to be a strong feature of this latitude so far this apparition.

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Thanks for the comments.

It is only one of two all-nighters I've managed this year. It's great fun in the summer to set up at dusk and take down at dawn. Wouldn't consider it outside of the May/June/July time period though....too draining!

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