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Help with Celestron 114eq

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Well, Ive got it all set up, polar aligned, star finder working and started scanning the sky with it last week. Found Saturn in no time flat. However, as I started to focus in on the planet it barely got bigger than a pin head. I could barely tell it was Saturn at all. Might have just been a star for all anyone else could tell.

Point of the matter is Im looking in how to make the image slightly bigger. Not huge mind you. Just a little bit bigger. Even though it was tiny it was quiet bright and clear. I used a Barlow 2x lens with my lowest magnification and my 10mm and it barely made a dent.


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It looks like you were not looking at Saturn PJ, with the 10mm you'd know it, even with your lowest power ep it would be unlike any star. I would double check the starfinder if possible.

I would also suggest you download Stellarium, here's a link. Stellarium

its a great tool for seeing what is visalbe from your location and will help you establish where you were looking :)

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No, I could make out the rings of the planet. It was just very very tiny. I do have and love Stellarium. Great program.

Are you suggesting that on the 114eq I should have Saturn bigger than what I had with my 10mm?

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Yup, I would have expected you to make them out, I am assuming you are not a UK resident as we have just about lost it here for a while not that it matters but only just realized you are able to see it now. :) Try using your lowest power ep to start with it it will give you as wider field of view and give you a better chance of picking it up. Once you have it you can use a higher power ep and then barlow the 10mm.

For me this year I had my best views using a 13mm Nagler and cpc 925 with a 2350mm focal length giving me a power of 180x, with your scope using the barlow and 10mm would give you a power of 200x, easily powerful enough.

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Yeah, the Barlow helped a ton last night with it. I was just shocked that the image didnt get much bigger overall. The clarity was still there. The rings were there. The brightness was there. Just the size was lacking.

And no, Im in the States. Ohio to be exact. You guys in the UK have Jupiter to play with now, no?

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A.... so you know what to be looking out for, thing is it does look pretty small with even a largish aperture instrument. For sure you did not have it tonight, if I was to suggest one addition for your acope it would be to get a better starfinder, I had the Celestron 6se and the one with that was pretty poor, I went for one like this Revelation Advanced Red Dot Finder

its far better, sorry its a UK lnk but I'm sure you can get them over in the states.

Hope you do find it next time your out its brilliant, have you any astro clubs nearby? its worth going along and seeing if you can get a better look at it.

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