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Would a Tal 150P compliment a Skywatcher Heritage 130P?

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good choice :(

dont forget the TAL users group here on SGL, you will find some good stuff in there :)

as for the little missus, paint up the 130 in candycane and say, this is for you me ickle sweetpea, so we can aim for the stars together ;) lol

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as for the little missus, paint up the 130 in candycane and say, this is for you me ickle sweetpea, so we can aim for the stars together :) lol

I can imagine the conversaton if I tried that one on... I'd be sleeping in the spare room for a week!

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Mixed feelings so far, I've only just opened the box and one of the OTA caps is broken on one edge, plus it's got a rack and pinion focuser and not the Crayford as advertised.

Not the best start!

thats FLO for you

so, come on, christmas came early for you!

you set the TAL up yet?

whats your thoughts?

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Sorry to heat that...

Does the 150 come in the ply coffin or have they eased off on the packaging a bit? Doens't sound like TAL to ship with broken bits (or FLO to miss them in QC, to be honest).

Really hope this works out for you soon - have you been on the phone to FLO yet?

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Sorry to heat that...

Does the 150 come in the ply coffin or have they eased off on the packaging a bit? Doens't sound like TAL to ship with broken bits (or FLO to miss them in QC, to be honest).

Really hope this works out for you soon - have you been on the phone to FLO yet?

It's in cardboard boxes - fairly well packed although the polystyrene around the pillar mount and the end of the OTA is a bit broken up so perhaps it's taken a bit of a rough ride with the courier.




Strangely, the mirror isn't centre-spotted either which I was a bit surprised at.

It's not FLO's fault, it came directly from the distributor (OVL). I've emailed FLO, I know they're good guys so I'm sure all will be fixed, it's a bit of a anticlimax though.

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Tal mirrors aren't centre spotted, at least I don't think they are. Older ones defo not.

Only the refractors and Klevs have crayford focusers, as far as I'm aware. The 150P was uprated to a 2" r&p from the old 1.25".



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Tal mirrors aren't centre spotted, at least I don't think they are. Older ones defo not.

Only the refractors and Klevs have crayford focusers, as far as I'm aware. The 150P was uprated to a 2" r&p from the old 1.25".



Hmm - FLO's site says they now come with a Crayford.

First Light Optics - Tal 150P Newtonian Reflector

Either way this one is going to be rejected, I reckon it's had some rough treatment in transit as the secondary mirror supports aren't straight. Too much evidence of mis-handling for a precision instrument for my liking.

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no, the TAL primary isnt spotted or dohnutted, I personaly never found it a problem, I have never had to move my primary to be honest, just the secondary.

as for the focuser, the upgrade TAL produced was from 1.25 to 2 inch, it is a very good, operational and most usable focuser though.

got to admit, when I first opened up my TAL, I wasnt leaping either but then night fell, I had spent the day fiddling and checking collimation, at dusk I was out.

Mars was the target around that time when I baught.

it was that first view and every view after that blew my mind :)

TAL newts have never been the prettiest horses, no prancing about, these are clydesdales, workers.

just cant wait to read your first light report ;)

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hmm, I did send a PM a while back to FLO about the focuser discription and it being a rack and pinion.

as for the state of the telescope from transit, I think I would have been steaming too.

im sure the people at FLO will sort this for you

the vanes are not straight?? makes you think the box was thrown on the truck and stacked on, it does say fragile on the box yes?

I find myself annoyed for you now

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hmm, I did send a PM a while back to FLO about the focuser discription and it being a rack and pinion.

Hmm - the Crayford was a big appeal. If they don't come with it, that may be a deal breaker anyway.

as for the state of the telescope from transit, I think I would have been steaming too.

im sure the people at FLO will sort this for you

the vanes are not straight?? makes you think the box was thrown on the truck and stacked on, it does say fragile on the box yes?

It might do, but it's in Russian! :)

Don't get me wrong - the vanes aren't totally bent, but I would have expected it to be perfect. One has a slight twist to it.

I find myself annoyed for you now

I appreciate that - fingers crossed I get a satisfactory solution.
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That box could dreadful! Damage to the vanes seems odd - the polystyrene at that end looks ok. I'm almost surprised the primary is still in one bit, though!

I think Tal must have tried to cut packing costs - bits of our house are less well built than the boxes the 2M came in!

Can't speak for the focuser but even the 1.25" on mine is really smooth.

All told, I think I would reject that one, too. I would still give it a try though like Nick says - they ain't beautiful but the REALLY work...

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That box could dreadful! Damage to the vanes seems odd - the polystyrene at that end looks ok. I'm almost surprised the primary is still in one bit, though!

I think the OTA box has been dropped and the weight of the secondary distorted the vanes. Collimation was way off.

Anyway, James at FLO is on the case. He's contacted the distributors already I understand. He's suggested they ship a new one to him first so they can check it out. The decision will be if they don't come with the Crayford as advertised, do I still want it... :)

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I would not let something like the focuser put you off, they are very good and, unless you plan to get really in depth with imaging, I dont think you would notice much of a difference.

my TAL gives crystal views that come to focus perfectly fine with that focuser.

all I can say is, im a picky ****** but im more than happy, remember the kidney comment :)

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I would not let something like the focuser put you off, they are very good and, unless you plan to get really in depth with imaging, I dont think you would notice much of a difference.

my TAL gives crystal views that come to focus perfectly fine with that focuser.

all I can say is, im a picky ****** but im more than happy, remember the kidney comment ;)

It seems to be getting worse, unless I'm being a complete numpty (this is quite possible), the finderscope is knackered too. The focuser brings the crosshairs into focus but I can't bring the image into focus at all even when pointing at something on a horizon 5 miles away. :)

ooops!, I didnt realise that word was a swear word, sorry mods/admin, im a yorkshireman, I wont use that one again ;)

Gasp! :(

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jesus, sounds like you got a right scabby donkey there, if I where in your shoes I would pack it up and wait for James to get back to you.

TAL abuse! where is the fer just £2 a month ad for that?

I bet it was royal mail, grr!

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Regarding the finder.

That's weird. It should come to focus beyond infinity to about 12ft(just tried one of mine). The knurled eyepiece focuser on the finder, should be able to turn about two complete revolutions.

The 8x50 finder is regarded as one of the best in the business. An absolute belter.


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Regarding the finder.

That's weird. It should come to focus beyond infinity to about 12ft(just tried one of mine). The knurled eyepiece focuser on the finder, should be able to turn about two complete revolutions.

The 8x50 finder is regarded as one of the best in the business. An absolute belter.


Presumably, the crosshairs should remain in focus at all times (they don't).

My focuser knob (it's not knurled) only turns just shy of one full revolution. I can't point it at anything and get it in focus whether 12 ft or 2 miles.

I know Tal are generally pretty well thought of, but I'm rapidly regretting this purchase. :)

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You sure it IS a Tal? Sounding like a knock-off at this rate - that or the worst of Friday-with-a-stonking-hangover efforts. From my experienced with the finders, you would have to work REALLY hard to ****** one of them up.

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Do you have one of the new 9 x 50 finders?? Does it look like this ?


The crosshairs dont stay sharp when you rack the focus in and out. That's true of any x-hair in finders eyepieces. If your eyesight is good, the crosshairs should be in focus when the finder is focused to infinity.


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