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set up woes revisited!

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I finally got my goto mount back, all new and shiny and ready to goto, or so I hoped. Eagerly waiting for a bit of clear sky I set up the scope and waited for the twinklies to appear. Checked all the settings on the handset lat, long, time, date. All correct then start set up routine oh no! same problem as before, scope slews to the second alignment star and then decides it does not like that one and careers off somewhere else entirely.

So now I am concerned, it has to be something I am doing wrong two mounts cannot both be faulty.

So; what to do, what to do, change the power supply. It was something I was thinking about with the last mount but never tried it, supply says its 1000ma, that's 1amp right?

Anyway I swapped it out for a 2 amp unit and would you know it the mount now works as it should.

So the lesson here is don't believe what the manual tells you you need more than a 1 amp psu or a power tank to drive a goto mount.

Lesson over.


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yes Steve I have to say I had that sinking feeling for a few, then got my thinking cap out of cold storage and tried a few things . Well one thing really but it worked so all is well finally. Now all I need is some good seeing.


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