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Next image - M8 or M20?


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I bought a decent tripod for my bins a few days ago. Sweeping low in the south, I discovered what a wonderful constellation Sagitarius is. I've studied its objects individually with my scopes, but, to see a widefield view was quite amazing.

So, I have decided that my next project will be to image either M8 or M20 with my DSLR. To me, M8 was the best visually, but I've seen some beautiful pictures of M20.

I can't decide which one to go for. Any advice please?

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Actually there are three to go for, with NGC 6559 to the east. They make the Sagittarius Triplet, a glorious widefield. The Lagoon is bigger and brighter but for me the Trifid is heartbreakingly beautiful because of the reds next to the blues. I hope to get 6559 next week at closer quarters in the TEC. It has some nice features. You have a good FL for any of these but for a mosaic they are a bit far apart, no? What I did was a widefield base at 328mm then I added M8 and M20 from a longer FL. I'll try to add 6559 the same way.




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A mosaic would be great - nice idea. It's good to see more than one object in a picture. The best pics I've taken this year have been the Leo Triplet and M42/Running Man, but these were close enough to fit in one frame.

Imaging opportunites are limited, so it could be a long project, but I'll give it a go!

Thanks for the idea.

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