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Nebula Filters

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Sorry about my continual questions.

I read with great interest the other day that to maximise the views of nebulas you need to use a filter, one keeps getting mentioned- Baader OIII priced around £85-90. My questions are do these filters work? Also if they do is there such a filter as a general purpose type? My telescope will be delivered early aug so I want to try and get some kit in place for it.

Thanks for your patience


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The UHC and O-III filters do work and help increase the contrast of nebulae, especially planetary nebulae and super nova remnants. In some cases you need a filter to see the object at all with smaller aperture scopes !

The Skywatcher O-III and UHC filters are pretty good for what they cost. Remember that you might want them in the 2" size if you are planning to use 2" eyepieces at any point.

With an 8" scope an O-III would be good, with smaller aperture you may find a UHC more effective but these are guidelines rather than rules.

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I have a 6" Dob scope and I found that a filter has made a significant difference on the few Nebula I have viewed. Im using an Orion Ultrablock filter. M27 was much more pronounced with a filter than without and M97 was virtually invisable without it. Im about five miles outside a large metropolitan area so I cant say how much more visiable these objects would be without the filter in dark skies.

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I am lucky enough to live in a very dark location no street lights, no neighbours, about 1000ft above sea level. I will not have a chance to try a filter so I will have to go on the advice of those that have used one.

Many thanks.

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We were using a Baader O111 last night in a 20 inch Dob and 70mm refractor. The effect on the Veil is astounding. Also very effective on the Trifid, and Swan. Not bad on the Lagoon.

Yes, they certainly work.


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