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Just got a guide scope, so questions inbound.


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Just got myself the Orion Awesome Autoguider Package (OAAP). Mounted it on my LX90 8" and just want to confirm a few things before I set up for a "predicted" clear evening.

  1. How parallel does the guide scope have to be with the main OTA?
  2. If question one is "very" or "pretty close", how do you accurately achieve this? Would say centering Vega in both scopes suffice?
  3. I know I need PHD, and some ASCOM drivers (5.5 I think), do I need to modify the Autostar software at all? Some sites suggest I do, some don't - for clarification I bought my LX90 around November last year, and it's the LX90 8" ACF/UHTC/GPS.

Thanks for all the fish, erm help.

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I can't answer #3 as I use a Synguider, but for 1 and 2, as part of my setup, when I'm going through the goto alignment, I first centre the main scope on the first alignment star (say, Vega), then align the main scope finderscope on Vega, then align the guidescope to centre Vega, then align the guidescope finderscope on Vega.

That way I know that at least when I start, everything's in alignment. However, when I've framed the target to be imaged through the main scope, I then use the guidescope finderscope to pretty much centre a nearby brightish star (using the guide rings) before then fine tuning the centring on the screen.

Of course with PHD it'll all be slightly different, but I don't think it hurts to know that everthing's aligned at the start and it really only takes a minute or two...

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AFAIK, the Orion guidecam is essentially the same as the QHY5 so you don't need ASCOM drivers, just install the camera drivers and use the 'on board' option with PHD.

One thing though, have you got a wedge for the mount? The alt/az mount won't guide properly without one, you'll get field rotation.


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Thanks for the information, I am going to be setting up in a little while, so will keep checking back here.

I am on an EQ wedge, been learning drift alignment for a few months now, so hopefully that side of things goes smoothly.

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