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HST & Cosmo 975 Rocket

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Very faint, so faint in fact that I've had to touch up the trails to make them more visible: HST travelling West to East, Cosmo 975 travelling North to South:


Hubble flared very bright, very low to the North West, but I'd set up my camera to Ursa Major again, as HA predicted that HST would pass by Dubhe. I thought about slewing around but I would have got so much glare from the FPSO and the twilight that I think the shot would have been wasted.

I only noticed Cosmo 975 after I'd started to Gimp the image and identified it via HA.

Hubbles pass was spectacular, the bright flaring caught the attention of the Chinese crew members who were strolling on the helideck, it was like an approaching aircraft. It soon faded and I was only able to follow it through my 10x42s, chosing when to fire the 20 second exposure as it approached Dubhe.

I followed Hubble al the way across until it faded into shadow beyond Hercules.

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