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Pier Extension


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My old imaging setup was a ED80 piggybacked onto a SW250 which performed great but I was barely using the 250 for anything but guiding and it has since been retired for a dob project. Problem was the ED80 mounted directly was now too low to see over the observatory walls without missing a lot of my horizon. I toyed with the idea of just extending the concrete upwards but decided if I ever wanted to remount the 250 this would cause problems with the roof. The ED80 had to be raised 15 inches to clear the walls so a steel extension was fabricated with some 4 inch box section we had lying about at work, the 6mm steel disks were obtained from Ebay and drilled top and bottom to fit my existing pier bolts and the EQ6 adaptor plate.

I finished off with Hammerite smooth black spray paint.

Total cost of project was £22 :)

The obligatory pictures.


Pier before modification.







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