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Welcome to Octobers new members...


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Just a short to say 'Welcome' to everyone who has joined during the month of October.

Some of you have posted your own welcome messages, which is great, and some of you haven't as yet - which is fine as well. There is no pressure to post, if you're happy to browse, we're happy to have you here!!

We've been struggling with the weather recently (hey, when don't we), but when we do get a break there's a whole host of activity going on in the night sky.

Of course, Mars is dominant at the moment, and reaches closest approach in the early hours of Sunday morning and opposition on the 7th November. It will still be nice and visible after this of course, but it will be 2018 and before it's this close again!

Orion makes a welcome return to the skies, and heralds the onset of the winter months. Plenty of opportunities lie within this most well-known of constellations for some visual treats and stunning images. Will anybody be hunting the horse-head this year?

And finally, Saturn is also starting to make it's present felt, climbing into the skies in the early hours. We've already had a couple of images posted up - will yours be there soon??

Make yourself at home on the forum, there are plenty of knowledgable people to answer virtually any question you may have on Astronomy or Space related matters, or there is the Mod and Admin team who are here to help you with any questions on the forum itself.

Welcome, and Enjoy!

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